Text data format definitions

Since version 3, Miraplacid Software provided a new technology, TextDOM, in the same software library (SDK).
This new tehnology uses different schema definition language, simplified verion of Yacc/Bison EBNF.
TextDOM technology has the following benefits for work with text files:
  • Simplified, text-oreiented schema descriptoin language
  • TextDOM allows using special IgnoreWhiteSpace mode, which provides a way to ignore all unnecessary whitespaces and comments in text documents and to concentrate on real document structures.
  • TextDOM provides text (string) output instead of bytes arrays in BinaryDOM.
Schema definitions for text files called Text Definition Data files (.tdd files).
Here is a list of text data format definittions provided in Text DOM installation.
All the .tdd files listed on this site are covered by license CC BY-SA 3.0. That means that you are welcome to modify them and use them for both non-commercial and commercial purposes.
C programming language source file
File expensions: .c
MIME types text/x-c
Supported by software application: C compilers
Links to format description documents: ANSI C programming language
ANSI C grammar
Download file: ansi-c.tdd
C Sharp programming language source file.
File expensions: .cs
MIME types text/x-csharp
Supported by software application: C Sharp compilers
Links to format description documents: C Sharp programming language
C Sharp standard
Download file: csharp.tdd
HyperText Markup Language
File expensions: .htm .html
MIME types text/html
Supported by software application: Web browsers, other web-oriented applications
Links to format description documents: HTML language
HTML standard
Download file: html.tdd
C (C99) programming language source file
File expensions: .c
MIME types text/x-c
Supported by software application: C compilers
Links to format description documents: ISO C programming language
ISO C99 standard
Download file: iso-c.tdd
Java programming language source file
File expensions: .java
MIME types text/x-java
Supported by software application: Java compilers
Links to format description documents: Java programming language
Java Oracle specifications
Download file: java.tdd
JavaScript, EsmaScript
JavaScript programming language source file
File expensions: .js
MIME types text/javascript text/x-javascript
Supported by software application: JavaScript interpreters embedded into web browsers, automation-aware software packages
Links to format description documents: JavaScript programming language
JavaScript ESMA standard
Download file: javascript.tdd
JavaScript Object Notation format - data exchange language
File expensions: .json
MIME types application/json
Supported by software application: Many data exchanging applications
Links to format description documents: JSON data exchange language
JSON IETF standard
Download file: json.tdd
Tab separated values - tabular data exchange format
File expensions: .tsv
MIME types text/tab-separated-values
Supported by software application: Many applications (spreadsheet apps, database engines) which performs tabular data exchange.
Links to format description documents: Tab-separated values
Download file: tsv.tdd
Extensible Markup Language
File expensions: .xml
MIME types text/xml
Supported by software application: Text editors, browsers, XML editors and viewers
Links to format description documents: W3 XML specification
Download file: xml.tdd